theoretical remnants

Hi Ian

I've been looking at your website and want to say some things.

Home page is really good but then it gets wooden with the straight-forward reproduction of works. I think that you should use the paintings almost like found objects that support your various statements (which are quite wooden too but in a good way). The other thing that works and i think could be amplified is the contrast between the light floaty home page and the watercolour against black. Flipping black and white around would, i think, support the micro/macro, proven/unproven, on/off NATURE of what you do.

You should muck about more obviously.

MH (critic)
chromato theory
Theoretical remnants, 2006, 14cm x 19cm,
watercolour on paper
  Chromato theory, 2006, 16cm x 20cm,
watercolour on paper fragments